About me

Dr Poonam Singh

I am a qualified and registered Homeopathic doctor, having graduated from Homeopathic Medical College from India in 1997. I am a registered member of HMA (Homeopathic Medical Association) from UK. I studied for five and half years, my study consisted of many subjects such as; Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology with Homeopathy, and it was a full time college based course. I have worked with many knowledgeable doctors in all departments in the City Hospital with homeopathic study in the College Hospital.

During my study I worked in a private practice managed and run by a prominent homeopathic doctor. I also practiced six years in my own clinic in India; during this time I came across a wide variety of patients with different complaints, consisting of acute and chronic cases. This gave me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and enhance my capabilitey.
In 2003 I moved to England, where I continued to see my patients via Skype and Phone. Through the years I have learnt about and studied Dr Rajan Sankaran’s Schema which provided me with a vast learning of Homeopathy.